Expanded Poetry:
The Poetics and Politics
of Repetition

International Conference (online)

23-25 november 2022

org. Institute for Comparative Literature

Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto

Call for papers & other info here

Download the Book of Abstracts

Register here

Poster based on a poem by Abílio-José Santos included in V(l)er (1987)


All times Porto, UTC – Western European Time (WET)


23 November

09:40 – 10:00


Bruno Ministro, Conference Chair

Pedro Eiras, ILCML Intermedialities Research Group

10:00 – 11:00

Session 1

Chair: Inês Cardoso (University of Porto)

E o irrepetível, é o quê? Reflexão sobre ontologias do poético à luz da performance

Sandra Guerreiro Dias (IP Beja / University of Coimbra)

Código-poesía en vivo

Jorge Forero (University of Porto)

Do livro fonográfico ao audiolivro: a repetição maquinal da voz

Mafalda Lalanda (University of Coimbra)

11:00 – 12:00

Session 2

Chair: Sandra Guerreiro Dias (IP Beja / University of Coimbra)

Repetição, corpo e performance em Amor de Clarice

Otávio Guimarães Tavares (Federal University of Pará)

POESIA NÃO BASTA: vínculos entre arte, performance e poetry slam a partir dos livros de artista (2002-2018), de Cecilia Vignolo e Sangría (2017), de Luiza Romão

Gisett Elizabeth Lara (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)

Memória e repetição nos Diários Públicos de Leila Danziger

Clarissa Xavier (Federal University of Minas Gerais)

12:00 – 14:00


14:00 – 15:00


Chair: Bruno Ministro (University of Porto)

deep reading minimal texts: prayers and elegies in off-off artifacts

Rui Torres (University Fernando Pessoa)

15:00 – 16:00

Session 3

Chair: Rebecca Kosick (University of Bristol)

On a post-mnemonic reconfiguring in Hansjörg Mayer’s overprinted textures of the sixties

Bronaċ Ferran (Birkbeck, University of London)

Repetition, Surface and Depth: Per Olov Enquist and the Avant-Garde Aesthetics of the 1960s

Carl-Wilhelm Siwers (Linköping University)

Repeating Avant-Garde: Mapping Modern and Contemporary Constellations of Peru’s Movimiento Hora Zero (1970-1973)

Olivia Lott (Washington and Lee University)

16:00 – 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 – 17:30

Session 4

Chair: João Paulo Guimarães (University of Porto)

Paratextual Play with Repetition in Gertrude Stein’s The Making of Americans

Holly Melgard (New York University / The City University of New York)

“bound by the contrary of ceaseless repetition”: Maria Cyranowicz’s ne(ur)olingwizm

Małgorzata Myk (Łódź University)

“You also means me”: the case of Ketty La Rocca

Marzia D’Amico (University of Lisbon)

17:30 – 18:30

Session 5

Chair: Diego Giménez (University of Coimbra)

Máquinas post_concretas: hacia una cartografía afectiva desde el arte con máquina de escribir

Diego Espíritu (National Autonomous University of Mexico)

Repetición, fragmentación y escritura “leprosa” en la poesía de Antonio Méndez Rubio

Paul Cahill (Pomona College, California)

Una aproximación teórica intermedial al estudio del rap poético de Gata Cattana

Sara Pardo Prado (University of Santiago de Compostela)


24 November

10:00 – 11:00

Session 6

Chair: Lúcia Evangelista (University of Porto)

Repetição, totalidade e diferença nas Minima Moralia de Theodor Adorno

Caio Marin Brunet Lee (University of Valencia / University Luigi Vanvitelli)

A repetição na poesia de Carlos de Oliveira e Eugenio Montale: o movimento como dança poética

Gaia Bertoneri (University of Turin)

Será o poeta um fingidor? Diálogos intermediais entre Cruzeiro Seixas e Fernando Pessoa

Filipe Senos Ferreira (University of Aveiro)

11:00 – 12:00

Session 7

Chair: Pedro Eiras (University of Porto)

Anne Carson – 1: exorbitâncias

Carolina Anglada (Federal University of Ouro Preto)

Uma variação do estilo no texto de Maria Gabriela Llansol: escrita da repetição como dissipação

Caroline D’Ávila (University of Jaguaribe / Faculty Vidal de Limoeiro)

Repetição e plagiotropia, a presença da leitura na escrita

Diego Giménez (University of Coimbra)

12:00 – 13:00

Session 8

Chair: Ana Marques (University of Coimbra)

All over again: The Politics and Poetics of Repetition in Etel Adnan’s Long Poems

Yasmine Shamma (University of Reading)

Reading repetitions in the South-Asian Punjabi poetic genre of the Kafi

Ayesha Latif (University of Comsats)

The Language and Repetition of Resistance in Contemporary Palestinian Poetry

Fathima M (Jawaharlal Nehru University)

13:00 – 14:00


14:00 – 15:00


Chair: Bruno Ministro (University of Porto)

Serial writing

Felipe Cussen (University of Santiago Chile)

15:00 – 16:00

Session 9

Chair: Diogo Marques (University of Porto)

Infinite Genesis: Recursion in Poetry, AI and Biogenetics

AiMark – Aimée Lê (Pusan National University) and Marc Sutton (Independent scholar)

Repetition and the Sonnet

Nick Montfort (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

It’s Fine: An Ecopoetics of Exhaustion in Weather Writing

J. R. Carpenter (Winchester School of Art)

16:00 – 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 – 17:30

Session 10

Chair: Marzia D’Amico (University of Lisbon)

The Song Poem and Kitsch Repetition

Matthew Kilbane (University of Notre Dame)

The Oblong in DMZ Colony: Translation and Docupoetry as Composite Archive

Jackie Chicalese (University of Arkansas)

Kaie Kellough’s “do you read me?”: Repetition Dismantles and Remakes Language in Performance

Klara du Plessis (Concordia University)

17:30 – 18:30


Chair: Bruno Ministro (University of Porto)

This is not a word

Rita Raley (University of California, Santa Barbara)


25 November

10:00 – 11:00

Session 11

Chair: Rosa Maria Martelo (University of Porto)

“Formas novas mas idênticas”. Reescrita e repetição em “Janela acesa”, Finisterra e “Filtro”, de Carlos de Oliveira

Bruna Carolina Carvalho (University of Porto)

Salette Tavares: O diálogo como gesto de (re)criação

Inês Cardoso (University of Porto)

Ritornelo e ostinato: formas da repetição na poesia de Eugénio de Andrade

Silvana Pessôa (Federal University of Minas Gerais)

11:00 – 12:00

Session 12

Chair: Carolina Anglada (Federal University of Ouro Preto)

Rodar, cair, dobrar, repetir: sobre gestos filmados, sobre filmar gestos

Aline Dias (Federal University of Espírito Santo)

atrás da linha o horizonte/depois da linha o futuro

Camila Proto (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)

traçar e traçar outra vez: a repetição na constituição do desenho

Diego Rayck (Federal University of Espírito Santo)

12:00 – 14:00


14:00 – 15:00

Session 13

Convenor/Chair: Barrett Watten (Wayne State University)

Scaffolding Repetition: From Detroit Techno to Language Writing

Barrett Watten (Wayne State University)

“Mess and Mess and”: Repetition in the Poetry of Douglas Kearney

Lauri Scheyer (Hunan Normal University)

Echoing and Reverbing in Translingual Poetry

Vladimir Feshchenko (Russian Academy of Sciences)

15:00 – 16:00

Session 14

Chair: David Pinho Barros (University of Porto)

Anne Carson: Take 2

Rebecca Kosick (University of Bristol)

Expanded Elegy in Victoria Chang’s Obit

Julie Phillips Brown (Virginia Military Institute)

Irreconcilable Echoes. Polyptoton and Politics in Adorno and Monika Rinck

Nathan Taylor (Goethe University Frankfurt)

16:00 – 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 – 17:30

Session 15

Convenor/Chair: Barrett Watten (Wayne State University)

Difference and Repetition in Late Modernism: The Variations of Elizaveta Mnatsakanova

Ivan Sokolov (University of California, Berkeley)

Forms of Repetition in Time: From Linguistic to Performative Turn in Yugoslav and Post-Yugoslav Textual/Poetic Practice

Dubravka Đurić (Singidunum University)

Stein & Schwitters: Insistence and Ex-Formulation as Functions of Anarchy

Claudia Franken (Independent scholar)

17:30 – 18:30


Chair: Bruno Ministro (University of Porto)

Same Old Story: The Poetry of the News

Jacob Edmond (University of Otago)


Closing Remarks


All times in the conference schedule are Porto, Portugal, UTC.

Time.is is a handy time zone calculator that helps you sync up!

To register, please send an email to expanded.poetry.ilcml@gmail.com and include the word “registration” in the subject line.

The zoom link for joining the conference will be sent to you one week before the event.

For questions, please contact the conference chair at brunoministro@letras.up.pt.




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