Libreto #39


Libreto #39
Conceptual Writing, Experimental Poetry and Humor

Eds.: Bruno Ministro & João Paulo Guimarães

Abstract: With this book, we do not wish to take humor too seriously, nor to devalue it. We want to open a space for thinking about humor and its relationship with conceptual writing, in order to understand the implications that humor has on the production, circulation and reception of these works. What are the mechanisms of humor and how are they manifested in conceptual writing? How broad are these mechanisms for rethinking a theory/practice of humor in conceptual writing?
The collection adopts a wide-ranging notion of “conceptual writing”, including diachronic perspectives on post-conceptualism, experimental literature, and visual poetry. It also expands the scope in order to include works and authors usually not associated with conceptualism or even humor for that matter. The chapters focus on works written in different languages and from different parts of the world.

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