Libreto #40
Materiais para a Salvação do Mundo 9
Org.: Pedro Eiras
Abstract: In this volume, Bruno Ministro starts from a reflection on the ‘save as’ function, present in software, to think about models such as the network, the root and the rhizome, observing the imagery of the tree in the poetry of António Ramos Rosa and the process of experimental rewriting in Rui Torres, in a ‘permanent relational tension between repetition and variation’, creation, incorporation, freedom; Inês Cardoso reads Raving, by McKenzie Wark, based on an evocation of the ‘end of a world’, demonstrating the capacity for resistance and reinvention of the self in activities such as writing, participating in raves, autofiction, auto-theory, a ‘hacking of the pathological conception of dissociation’, rethought from its aesthetic and ‘resociative’ potential; and Ivana Schneider interrogates the polysemy inherent in the idea of salvation in three narratives by Guimarães Rosa (‘Famigerado’, ‘A terceira margem do rio’, ‘A benfazeja’), questioning the conflicts between the individual and their context – family, social, natural – and demonstrating that saving someone is also ‘saving the world of the one who feels threatened’.