The INTERMEDIALITIES research group rethinks the processes and causes of inclusion and exclusion in the literary/artistic canon, as well as some of the principles that continue to presuppose (or regulate) the setting of well-defined frontiers among the arts; it pays particular attention to the relations between Poetry and the Visual Arts, the Moving Image, and Performance.
Based upon critical and theoretical key-concepts focusing on a cultural and artistic world of trans-crossing boundaries and media porosity, the group revises the role of poetic texts from the perspective of INTER- and TRANSMEDIALITY, with a special emphasis on HYBRIDISM, MEDIATION and REMEDIATION. The relationships between Modern and Contemporary Poetry and the Arts are privileged. Concurrently, the group also studies the role that literature in general, and poetry in particular, has played in the problematisation of Europe.
- reevaluating the importance of Transmedial Authors who combine their literary writing with other artistic activities (such as visual and audio-visual arts or performance) and/or tend to explore confluences between Literature and other Arts from an intermedial or transmedial perspective;
- studying and reevaluating works which are located in an intermedial borderline, due to their hybridism and/or resistance to previous categorisation (e.g., intermedial works that combine word and visual image from a creative point of view);
- reflecting on the role played by hybridism in the contemporary renovation of artistic forms;
- considering, in collaboration with the other groups, how the policies of inclusion and exclusion have influenced the historical formation of the artistic and literary canon, thus contributing to a more inclusive and intermedial perspective of literature;
- deepening the analysis of the resistance processes carried out by modern and contemporary poetry, namely in that which concerns the ideas of Europe, the processes of negotiation between margin, centre and periphery, as well as the experiences of inclusion and exclusion the (social, literary and artistic) communities undergo;
- hosting and collaborating with the International Research Group LyraCompoetics dedicated to the study of modern and contemporary poetry and poetics, and the network’s literary journal elyra; participating in the database Europe Facing Europe.
Research questions
- Which (Portuguese, Brazilian, Spanish, French) modern and contemporary authors combine literary writing with other ways of artistic expression in their individual works as Intermedial or Transmedial Creators?
- To which extent taking this corpus into account means theoretically and critically reconsidering the principles upon which the artistic and literary canon has been grounded in?
- How does the impact of artistic hybridism manifest itself in the renovation of contemporary literature?
- How do contemporary poets locally and globally respond to the experience of crisis?
- Which resistance processes have been enhanced by modern and contemporary poetry?
- How do poets express themselves as citizens, and in what ways does the poetic discourse reveal the exercise of citizenship?
Coordination: Pedro Eiras
Ana Paula Coutinho (Univ. Porto)
Bruno Ministro (Univ. Porto)
David Pinho Barros (Univ. Porto / UCP)
Diana Pimentel (Univ. Madeira)
Diogo Marques (Univ. Porto)
Diogo Martins (Univ. Porto)
Elisabete Marques (Univ. Porto)
Isabel Pires de Lima (Univ. Porto)
Lígia Bernardino (Esc. Secundária)
Marinela Freitas (Univ. Porto)
Pedro Eiras (Univ. Porto)
Rosa Maria Martelo (Univ. Porto)
António Pedro Marques (Univ. Porto)
Bruna Carolina Carvalho (Univ. Porto)
Fernando Velasco (Univ. Porto)
Helena I. Lopes (ISLA)
Inês Cardoso (Univ. Porto)
Inês Seabra Carvalho (Univ. Porto)
Ivana Schneider (Univ. Porto)
Joana Matos Frias (Univ. Lisboa)
Letícia Simões (Univ. Porto)
Luca Argel
Manuela Veloso (IPPorto /ISCAP)
Sandra Guerreiro Dias (IP. Beja / Univ. Coimbra)
Sofia Mota Freitas (Univ. Porto)
Vítor Ferreira (Univ. Porto)
Annita Costa Malufe (PUC-SP)
Celia Pedrosa (Univ. Federal Fluminense)
Fabiane Borsato (UNESP – Araraquara)
Ida Alves (Univ. Federal Fluminense)
Jorge Fernandes da Silveira (Univ. Federal Fluminense)
Sofia de Sousa Silva (Univ. Federal Rio de Janeiro)
Arturo Casas (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
Burghard Baltrusch (Univ. Vigo)
Pedro Serra (Univ. Salamanca)
Patrícia Lino ( Univ. California, Los Angeles)
Ricardo Vasconcelos (Univ. Estadual San Diego, California)
Rita Novas Miranda (Univ. Paris Nanterre)
United Kingdom
Ângela Sarmento-D. (Univ. Oxford)
Conference: “contra todas as evidências. Colóquio dedicado a Manuel Gusmão”
Conference: “Salette Tavares: vocação de ser itinerante”
Conference: “Poesia Expandida: poética e políticas da repetição”
Scientific Journey: “Poesia e Performance”
The Salvation of the World Seminares | Series III
Open Seminar: “Illustrating Oscar Wild’s Picture of Dorian Grey”
Open Seminar: “Infraleituras da Poesia Expandida Brasileira”
Open Seminar: “Noir Art: Painted Portraits in Noir Thrillers and Gothic Melodramas of the 1940s and 1950s”
Open Seminar: “Além do lixo. A representação da crise financeira 2011-2015 na ficção portuguesa”
Open Seminar: “A escrita como máquina de fala: Beckett e alguns casos contemporâneos”
Open Seminar: “Fotopoemação: notas sobre performance e poesia nos anos 1970 (Brasil e Portugal)”
Series of conversations: “Pessoa Ressoa”
Series of conversations: “Diálogos Interartes”
Series of online conversations: “Poets Talk Politics: 2nd edition”
Series of online conversations: “Plano D: 2nd edition”
Series of conversations: “Salette Tavares”
Conference: “’Estar em casa’ with Adília Lopes: from the private to the political”
Symposium: “Fear of Ageing: Old Age in Horror Fiction and Film”
Conference: “Tarkovsky Revisited: Dialogue between the moving image and other arts”
The Salvation of the World Seminars | Series II
Open Seminar: “Illustrating Proust, An Impossible Assignment?”
Series of online conversations: “Poets Talk Politics”
Series of online conversations: “Plano D”
The Salvation of the World Seminars | Series I
Open Seminar: “Montagem e Imagem-Movimento em Ana Cristina Cesar”
Conference: “Metalepsis and Transmediality”
Spring Seminar: On Cinema
Open Seminar: “Tintin e a Capa-Arte”
Scientific Journey: “Ler António Franco Alexandre”
Scientific Journey: “Um dia inteiro para morrer completamente a finitude nas artes”
Colloquium: “A Crítica de Jorge de Sena”
Scientific Journey: “saio hoje ao mundo. Homenagem a Herberto Helder”
Colloquium: Pessoa Studies – “Mediations & Remediations”
Conference: “The language in the middle of the path”
Conference: “Poepolit – The poetic and the political in today’s society”
End of the World Seminars | Serie VI