Bruna Carolina Carvalho is a Ph.D. student in Literary, Cultural, and Interartistic Studies at the Universidade do Porto (Scholarship from the FCT/Portugal – 2022.13315.BD). Master’s degree in Social Memory at the Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), with research on Brazilian filmmaker Glauber Rocha (Scholarship from Capes/Brazil). Bachelor in Journalism from Faculdade Cásper Líbero. She is a Bachelor’s student of Literature at UNIRIO and was awarded two Scientific Initiation scholarships with projects on Portuguese writers Carlos de Oliveira and Gonçalo M. Tavares (CNPq and Capes/Brazil). In 2020, she obtained an exchange scholarship (Iberoamericas, Santander) at the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. She worked as a voluntary Brazilian Literature and Writing teacher at Pré-Vestibular Social Leonhard Euler, a UNIRIO project. Also, for five years, she was a reporter in Brazilian newsrooms on Politics and Foreign Desk. She published the book Glauber Rocha, Leitor do Brasil (Lumme Editor, 2021) and has poems and essays in compilations and anthologies. Currently, she is researching the relations between Carlos de Oliveira and Glauber Rocha.