Maria Luísa Malato is Associate Professor with Tenure, at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto with Aggregation (2007), Phd and Master’s Degree in Comparative Literature (1999, by UP; 1988, by the University of Coimbra). Conducting courses in Theatre and Bibliotherapy at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto. Co-direction of Pontes de Vista, Online Journal of Philosophy and Literature. Vice-president of the Portuguese Association of Comparative Literature (APLC), between 2013 and 2019. She collaborates with some regularity in the literary journals Colóquio Letras, Biblos, Con-vida, Cadernos de Literatura Comparada, Carnets, Fragmentum, Revista Internacional d’Humanitats… She published several books in her main areas of research: A Vida e obra de Catarina de Lencastre (2008); Uma História da Literatura Europeia (2008); Le XVIIIe Siècle: une Epoque d’Ombres et de Lumières (2009); Manual Anti-Tiranos (2009); José Anastácio da Cunha (2 vols. 2001-2004, em co-autoria); Manuel de Figueiredo (1995); Camus (1984).