Teresa Martins de Oliveira is a retired Associate Professor of the Department of German Studies at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, where she taught in the areas of German Literature and Culture in undergraduate, masters and doctoral courses. PhD in German Literature (1998) with a comparative-oriented thesis, she has been dedicated to German-speaking literature (from the 19th century to the present day), with a special focus on Gender Studies, Holocaust and Memory Studies and also on Studies on Europe. She is a member of R&D – Margarida Losa Comparative Literature Institute, where she is part of the Inter/Transculturalities project, and where she created, together with Maria Antónia Gaspar Teixeira and Gonçalo Vilas-Boas, the data-base “Passagen. Fleeing the Holocaust: German-speaking artists and intellectuals in Portuguese exile”. She has also collaborated in several national and international research projects.
She published widely in Portugal and abroad, standing out among the books she published: A Mulher e o Adultério nos romances O Primo Basílio de Eça de Queirós e Effi Briest de Theodor Fontane, Coimbra, CIEG-Minerva-FLUP, 2000; Eveline Hasler in Porto, Coimbra, CIEG-Minerva, 2002; Ao encontro de Max Frisch, Porto, Deriva, 2012. She was also co-editor of the following books: (with Gonçalo Vilas-Boas) Kafka. Um livro sempre aberto, Porto, Deriva, 2011 and Macht in der Deutschschweizer Literatur, Berlim, Frank & Timme, 2012; (with M.A.Gaspar Teixeira), De passagem: artistas de língua alemã no exílio português, Porto, ILC-Afrontamento, 2018, (with Fátima Outeirinho), Práticas e memórias de exclusão: o romance de adultério do século XIX, Libretos do ILC, nr.º 25, 2019, online.