With the series Fronteiras do Conhecimento, ILCML intends to disseminate the outcome of the research developed within the scientific program Literature and Frontiers of Knowledge: Politics of Inclusion. The books published in this series are a result of the theoretical and critical reflection undertaken both by ILCML members and by the other renowned researchers around the three fields of action that have characterised the activities of the Centre over the last two decades: INTER/TRANSCULTURALITIES, INTERMEDIALITIES and INTERSEXUALITIES. Concepts and notions such as Memory, Exile, Gender, Sexualities, Human or Community, are widely used in the series Frontiers of Knowledge, which aims at developing new ways for critically approaching transdisciplinary, interdiscursive and interartistic relations, thus re-locating Literature and its study within a truly interdisciplinary scientific community towards an inclusive society.
Published volumes
Ofício Múltiplo — poetas em outras artes
Joana Matos Frias, Pedro Eiras and Rosa Maria Martelo (Eds.)
Ana Paula Coutinho, Gonçalo Vilas-Boas, Jorge Bastos da Silva, Maria de Fátima Outeirinho and Maria Hermínia Amado Laurel (Eds.)
Marinela Freitas, Ana Luísa Amaral, Maria de Lurdes Sampaio and Alexandra Moreira da Silva (Eds.)