The “Posthum3n: Entanglements and Intersections in a Posthuman World” International Conference will take place on the 17th and 18th of November at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto. Starting from a joint venture of the CEComp (Center for Comparative Studies of the University of Lisbon), CEHUM (Center for Humanities of the University of Minho) e ILCML (Institute of Comparative Literature Margarida Losa of the University of Porto) research units, the conference’s the main goal is to reflect upon alternative and emergent scenarios of the human, the nonhuman, or the posthuman.
“An increasingly widespread transdisciplinary paradigm, Critical Posthumanism has emerged from the critical challenges currently posed to humanism, humanity and the human. Such pressing elements encompass a wide variety of developments, such as technoscientific cultures, global economic challenges, looming environmental disaster, the spread of digitalisation, the rise of biomedia, and particularly the erosion of traditional demarcations between the human and the nonhuman.
More and more, the normative anthropocentric standpoint is being replaced by a more relational approach, in which the subject-object relation is deemed to emerge co-constitutively. Since this radical shift calls for alternative ways of thinking about humanity and its environments, the present Conference aims at contextualizing the cultural and philosophical implications of such developments and it seeks to test the hypothesis that the decentering of the human implied in posthumanism offers a renewed paradigm that speaks searchingly of the immediate present and of imminent futures.”
More informations can be found on the Conference’s webpage.