Seminar with Gustavo Silveira Ribeiro

June 3

On June 3, 2022, Gustavo Silveira Ribeiro (UFMG) will join us for the seminar “Fotopoemação: notas sobre performance e poesia nos anos 1970 (Brasil e Portugal)”. The event will take place at 4:30 PM, in room DEPER at FLUP.



The seminar explores the relationship between performance, photography and poetry based on four images produced in the 1970’s by Brazilian and Portuguese artists, whose works do not directly connected, dialoguing with each other, but which reveal important affinities. By juxtaposing poems and performative actions produced by Anna Maria Maiolino, Alberto Pimenta, Lenora de Barros and Helena Almeida, the aim is to highlight, in addition to the convergence of procedures, the different meanings that experimental poetry knew in Brazil and Portugal, especially with regard to the request and the presence of the body in the poetic work.

Gustavo Silveira Ribeiro is a professor of Brazilian Literature at the Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG. He received his PhD in Comparative Literature from the same UFMG. He is the author of, among others, the book Poesia contemporânea: reconfigurações do sensível (with Tiago Pinheiro and Eduardo Veras), and Antevéspera, noite interior – ensaio sobre a poesia de Age de Carvalho e O drama ético na obra de Graciliano Ramos: leituras a partir de Jacques Derrida. He has published articles in Brazil and Portugal on contemporary poetry and visual arts, highlighting the works of Carlito Azevedo, Leonilson and Leila Danziger. He edits, with Daniel Arelli and Victor da Rosa, Ouriço – revista de poesia e crítica cultural.

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