“The last two decades have seen an explosion in the number of Digital Humanities projects in the form of archives, databases, and critical digital editions. These projects were accompanied by the no-less-expressive development of methods of annotation, visualization, and text analysis. Its purposes may be to classify, annotate, analyse, disseminate, preserve, or all of the above together. Such methodologies are often expressed through key expressions such as TEI coding, metadata, data mining, topic modelling, information visualization, GIS mapping, among other terminology that points to technical and epistemological processes whose complexity is not always within the reach of the uninitiated investigator in the field.”
The “Literature and Digital Humanities: Configurations, Practices, Methodologies” Sessions aim to provide general contact with the main concepts and research methodologies in Digital Humanities in their relationship with the study of Literature. Bruno Ministro will be the trainer of these two sessions, with the first date scheduled for October 26th and the second for November 9th – both at 6:00 pm at room 202 of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto.
Entrance is free, but subject to registration through the form.
Additional information, such as the study program, can be found here.