Ana Margarida Dias Martins teaches at the University of Exeter, where she helped establish the BA in Portuguese Studies. She is the co-founder of EXCELAS, the Exeter Centre of Latin American Studies. With a PhD in Lusophone Literatures by the University of Manchester, she has taught at the University of Cambridge and King’s College London. She is the recipient of an AHRC Early Career Leadership Fellows grant with a project titled: ‘Women of the Brown Atlantic: Real and Imaginary Passages in Portuguese 1711-2011’. Ana has published on women’s writing from Portugal, Mozambique and Brazil. She is the author of Magic Stones and Flying Snakes: Gender and the Postcolonial Exotic in the Work of Paulina Chiziane and Lídia Jorge (Peter Lang, 2012), co-editor of The Luso-Tropical Tempest: Postcolonial Debates in Portuguese (Bristol University Press, 2012), and co-author of Authentic Recipes from Around the World (Ceredigion, 2015).