The lecture series “Vasos Comunicantes” aims to present different research themes in Comparative Literature and/or adjacent fields, from the sharing of reflected testimonies about the whole process of comparative work and its respective contributions to the interlinguistic, intercultural, and interartistic knowledge of the literary phenomenon.
The goal is also to foster dialogue among specialists, senior researchers, post-graduate students, and other interested publics, in order to accompany issues and axial perspectives of the evolution of Comparative Literature itself as a scientific area.
There will be five sessions throughout the months of October-December:
- José Eduardo Reis (UTAD) – October, 19th
“Borges e Schopenhauer ou a tremenda conjectura da comparação literária”
- Gonçalo Vilas-Boas (UP) – October, 26th
“Mitos na Literatura: a figura do(s) Minotauro(s)”
- Marta Teixeira Anacleto (UC) – November, 16th
“João de Molière e Ricardo Pais: (re)figurações da escrita de um mito.”
- Alexandra Ambrósio Lopes (UCP-Lisboa) – November, 23rd
“Variações sobre um tema: os desafios hermenêuticos da tradução de literatura.”
- Patrícia Ferreira (University of Massachusetts Amherst – EUA) – December, 7th
“Figurações da experiência pós-colonial: as metáforas do órfão e da guerra”