Seminar with Annita Costa Malufe

June 22

On June 22 2022, Annita Costa Malufe (PUC – SP / CNPQ) will join us for the seminar “Writing as a speech machine: Beckett and some contemporary cases”. The event will take place at 3:00 PM, in room DEPER at FLUP.



It is about observing the vocal power that crosses Samuel Beckett’s writing and leads him more and more to constitute scores for speech songs. The reader will then be the one who performs voices in the real time of his reading, even when silent; he is the performer of this writing, putting to work each time, in his body, the rhythmic machines that are the texts. At first, it is about reflect on the creation of these vocal lines in Beckett, but also in other cases in our contemporaneity in which the creation takes place from the sound of languages, inventing new languages and provoking the effect of reading immersion.



©João Sousa Cardoso, Os Malefícios do tabaco, 2022. Arquivo Espaço Mira. Reproduced with permission

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