SKHEMA 5 — online

June 6, 2023


SKHEMA – Interarts Magazine issue #5 is now online.


This issue includes works from Diogo Martins, Fernando Ramalho, Marcelo Felix, Vanessa Montesi, Francisco Noronha, Mafalda Lalanda and João Assafrão Craveiro, Regina Guimarães, Klara Du Plessis and Kadie Salmon, Andreia C. Faria, Mar Becker and Carolina Krieger, Rui Dias Monteiro.


SKHEMA intends to explore and problematize concepts inherent to intermediality and artistic experimentation. The magazine is edited by Elisabete Marques, Inês Cardoso, Sofia Mota Freitas and Vítor Ferreira.


   Click on the image to access the publication

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